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FAQs with Laura Long at Share the Care

Dan Metcalf

It's been a busy month for Laura Long at Share the Care with a new member joining her team, with plans to expand further - drop her a CV! She's also taken her first step towards becoming CCSIW registered by signing up for NVQ3, soon to be followed by 4 and 5.

We sat down with Laura to go through her most Frequently Asked Questions, to help readers get a better understanding of her business.

What is Share the Care with Laura?

Share the Care with Laura is an independent care and support service, made up by a small team of Personal Assistants, led by Laura (proprietor).

What do we do?

We provide bespoke support to assist individuals to live well at home.

Bespoke Services

Personal Care, Companionship, Medication, Administration, Meal preparation, Chaperoning to Appointments, Social Activities etc., Light Household Duties, Shopping and Respite.

Who can access these Services?

We accept referrals from any individual who feels that they could benefit from the service(s) that we provide.

How are referrals made?

Anyone can make a referral to Share the Care with Laura; the individual themselves, a friend/family member or neighbour, Social Services, Age Cymru, Admiral Nurses and all other Healthcare Professionals.

What happens following a referral?

Subject to availability, we will make arrangements to carry out a meet and greet with the individual who wishes to access the support. During this, a needs assessment will take place through an informal chat and a cup of tea. If we are the right service to meet your needs, we will devise a support plan with you, setting out some short and long-term goals to work towards.

How are Services paid for?

This will vary on who made the referral / is funding the support. If you have Direct Payments in place, or, have been referred via Age Cymru, we can liaise directly with them regarding payment. For private referrals, we accept payment by bank transfer (preferable) but can also accept cheque.

If you have any questions that haven't been answered then please feel free to contact Laura on 0737560771 for a friendly, informal chat.

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